[you cannot hide from God]
I heard a really cool question and answer one time, and haven't forgotten it since. Someone asked the Pastor "The Bible says that our sins are throw away as far as the east is from the west. Yet the east and west aren't that far apart. You can be facing east, then turn around and suddenly you're facing west. There is no distance needed." The Pastor didn't answer for a while, then a week or so later he did. "That is exactly what happens. God is all-knowing. He can easily look at your sin and condemn you for them. But He chooses not to. He chooses to keep them behind Him. There is nothing stopping Him from turning around and looking at them, but He forgives you and moves on."
God tells us that we can move on too. We don't need to live in our sins, He doesn't call us to live that way. We can't hide our sins from God, He knows before you even do it. The right way to deal with sin isn't ignoring it, it's asking for forgiveness then moving on. God is a God of forgiveness, He is so ready to forgive you and move on with you and He loves it so much when you bring things to Him that He knows don't belong to you anymore 💛
"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:17