I was doing a Q&A yesterday at youth, and in almost all of the questions, we mentioned that they should pray about it, and it got me thinking because often that's seen as the Christian slap-on-a-bandaid solution.
But prayer is powerful. Jesus knew that. He knew that value of quiet time with God. We find so many times in the Bible that He took time to rest, to recharge, and to just dwell in God's presence. If the Son of God Himself had to do that, how much more should we?
And I think that's the part that some people are missing. Prayer isn't just about the answer to the prayer, but the process itself. The act of humbling yourself, letting go enough control of a situation to actually give it to God, to invite Him into that place. That quiet time with God is what stills you, talking to God is allowing yourself to actually sort through your thoughts. Sitting in worry about a situation doesn't get you anywhere, and prayer isn't just a passive, last resort thing to do. It is an active gesture that acknowledges God's presence in this place. It's a cool way to remind yourself that He is bigger than all of that.
I had a really hard week at work, it was just insanely busy, and a lot was happening at once, and needed to be done within the same timeframe. And it was in that that I really had no choice but to totally rely on God to help me with it. And it wasn't a one-time prayer, that whole week I kept just talking to God with what I was doing. And He didn't take it all away, it was still stressful and I still had a million things to to, but I can't imagine how much worse it had have been if I was just stewing in my thoughts and trying to do it in my own strength. Talking it through with God helped me take a step back and actually do what needed to be done, organise my thoughts, but most of all invite Him there. Even though what I was doing within my job wasn't a Jesus thing, I was still inviting Him to be there with me, to do it with Him by my side. It's comforting, 'Oh what a friend we have in Jesus."
I had a dream the other night and I was driving...fast. Now I like driving and I like driving fast, but not in the rain. The roads were slippery and I had no control. But no matter how much I wanted to, I could not slow down. It was wildly dangerous, and we were spinning out lots, slipping on every corner, but would not slow down. I think it was honestly a reminder for where I am at, and no doubt where some of you are at too, in life right now. There is a lot going on, and things keep coming up, life keeps charging ahead. But if you don't take time to slow down, you put yourself in a dangerous position. You'll keep slipping, and honestly this isn't just for your sake, but it can affect the people around you too.
So in the nicest way possible my friend, just pray about it. Bring everything to God, no matter how light, how heavy, how petty, how serious, how in your control, how out of your control, the things you want to talk about, and the things that have taken you years to. He is the God of the universe, but is still your Father. He chooses to have a relationship with you, He wants that, He wants to communicate with you.
So take time to communicate back <3