Here is my sermon notes from one I did recently :) “God gets in the dirt 3x that I can think of : To create Adam To bury Moses And to...
Christian Blog
Here is my sermon notes from one I did recently :) “God gets in the dirt 3x that I can think of : To create Adam To bury Moses And to...
I was doing a Q&A yesterday at youth, and in almost all of the questions, we mentioned that they should pray about it, and it got me...
I want you to imagine moving forward, walking, running, skipping. I pictured it like doing hopscotch, follow the steps and count the...
(a raw post straight from the notes app :)) Being a Christian means following Jesus, it's listening to Him and looking for the next step,...
I was chatting to a friend and mentioned how I was such a bad Christian because I wasn't reading my Bible and spending time with God as...
I'm very driven by my feelings, so I often see myself starting to slip into the pursuit of happiness. If it makes me feel good, then it...
Jesus asked more questions than He answered. That teaches us the importance of not just getting the answer, but learning to look more...
Let's start with another poem! "'Follow your heart and be yourself.' But my heart is confused and I don't know who I am. But You hold my...
This poem I think really reflects the heart that a lot of us (definitely me) fall into, as society and the world around us continues to...
Storytime baby! This year has had a lot going on, and in that I've noticed my heart starting to harden and go bitter in a lot of ways. I...
So I went to the gym yesterday. I promise this blog is not morphing into a fitness motivation account, bear with me: I went to the gym...
Let's talk about this! https://www.theaustralian.com.au/the-oz/perspective/the-case-for-staying-consciously-uncoupled/news-story/053cc2e5...
get out of the box. Out of the box in your mind that limits your perspective of what you can do - and more importantly, what God can do...
You might think you know what you want in life, but I was trying to work out for myself what this is, and I came to the conclusion that I...
Growing hurts, because growing comes from learning, learning comes from mistakes, and mistakes have consequences. Caterpillars don't just...
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs philosophises that we as humans cannot seek to achieve self-actualisation without first meeting one's...
What can make a heart feel whole? When we turn to the world for this, we always come back empty. The world won't support you, it will...
Why is the Prodigal Son an Easter story? (If you aren't familiar with the parable of the Prodigal Son, it can be found in Luke 15:11-26)...
It's amazing how God shows Himself in everything He creates. There is so much beauty and wonder to be found around us, and He longs to...
Worship is not about us. It's not about what we can gain from the transaction. It's about worshipping (which means "giving worth to") and...