(a raw post straight from the notes app :))
Being a Christian means following Jesus, it's listening to Him and looking for the next step, it's stepping in time with Him, it's following where He is leading, whatever that looks like, even if it's different from our plans, it looks different for everyone, we're all running our race and some of us choose to run our race with the coach, cheering us on, supporting us, setting the pace, leading the way, giving us strength, giving us rest, and it isn't about reaching a destination, it's about running the race, it's persevering when it's hard, it's racing alongside like-minded people, and people to challenge us, it's getting back up again, it's doing new things and exploring and learning on the way, life with Jesus is this great plan that He has and we discover, it isn't clear and doesn't always make sense as we go along but it's better than our plans, we don't see the bigger picture, we would run right into quicksand or something, He knows and is taking us along the route that is best suited to us and the gifts and abilities and passions He gave us, and if we start chasing and trying to create that ourselves, we fall short and feel unsatisfied, we think we see enough to know where to go next but if we try and veer off in our own strength we find that leaving Jesus a few paces behind isn't actually the best idea, He sees the bigger picture and He knows where is the right challenges, He picks the right battles for us, He knows what will grow us and what we will learn from and what will not be too much.
We take these steps as we run with God, but taking a step in faith without the One we have faith in is stupid, it's missing the point, we are created to have fellowship with God, and that doesn't just look like sitting in His Presence, it means running with Him and doing the race with Him and fellowshipping while doing something together, it's what He wants for us, for us to choose to partner with Him as we run our race, otherwise we're just lost and wandering around, we get tired and lonely and our company is only ourself and that drives us crazy, we run for a bit but chasing the little lights just gets us more confused and dejected, He goes before and prepares the way, and He wants you to choose Him to run with as you travel the path, as you're on your journey He brings people along too, but ultimately we need to keep Him in the equation, He has gone before, and now He goes with, and He is behind too to catch us when we fall, to pick us up, and to start running with us again.